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HUB24 Website Terms of Use 

This website is operated by and on behalf of HUB24 Limited (ABN 87 124 891 685 ASX:HUB), an ASX-listed company, and its subsidiaries (HUB24 Group). HUB24 Custodial Services Ltd (ABN 87 124 891 685 AFSL 239 122), a subsidiary of HUB24 Limited, is the operator of HUB24 Invest (an investor directed portfolio service), is the promotor of HUB24 Super Fund, and provides various services to the trustee of the HUB24 Super Fund (a regulated superannuation fund). The trustee and issuer of interests in HUB24 Super is HTFS Nominees Pty Limited (ABN 78 000 880 553, AFSL 232 500, RSE Licence No. L0003216). HUB24 Custodial Services Ltd also provides administration and reporting services to other participants in the financial services industry. Other subsidiaries within the HUB24 Group of companies may also provide services in connection with HUB24’s products and services.

By accessing this website and viewing the information and other material which it contains or to which it provides access you agree to follow and to be bound by these terms and conditions. We may, at our sole discretion, vary or modify these terms and conditions without notice. Any subsequent access to, or use of, the website by you will constitute an acceptance of those modifications.

The information contained on this website is of a general nature only and does not take into account your financial circumstances, needs and objectives. All information provided on this website is subject to change without notice. You should read the HUB24 disclosure documents and other important information available from and seek independent, professional tax and financial advice before making any decision based on this information. 

This information is directed to residents of Australia only, and is not an offer or solicitation for the purchase of securities, units or investments, unless expressly stated otherwise. HUB24 does not guarantee the repayment of capital or any particular return from, or any increase in, the value of any products unless otherwise expressly agreed. Past performance of any product described on this website is not a reliable indication of future performance. Any currency references are references to Australian dollars unless otherwise specified. 

While HUB24 provides the information in good faith, it accepts no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of the information. All information displayed on the website, including but not limited to product and service information, fees, unit and share prices, gearing and interest rates, tax information and performance figures, is subject to change without notice. HUB24 does not represent or warrant that this website or any linked site is free from computer viruses nor does it take responsibility for any which may exist, however they may be transferred or become manifest, or for any loss or damage of any sort (direct or indirect) which may result. HUB24 disclaims any liability for loss, damage, cost or other expense arising either directly or indirectly as a result of reliance on, use of or inability to use any information displayed on this website, to the extent that such liability is not excluded by law. 

HUB24 may undertake due diligence processes before entering into third party arrangements in association with HUB24 Invest and HUB24 Super Fund, including those relating to HUB24’s managed portfolio and white-label services. HUB24 reserves the right to enter into such third party arrangements in its sole discretion.