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New platform enhancements to support you and your clients

In case you missed it, we’ve launched a number of exciting platform enhancements to continue to execute on our promise of innovation that delivers. We’ve listened to your feedback, and over the past few months we’ve released a number of changes to drive efficiencies, improve transparency and give you greater flexibility in how you manage your clients.

Introducing our new multi-factor authentication measures

We know how important it is to protect your information, and your clients’ information from cybercrime. That’s why we’ve introduced multi-factor authentication measures for ManagerHUB, AdviserHUB and InvestorHUB on an opt-in basis for you and your clients.

Save time and improve transparency by requesting ad-hoc pension payments online

At HUB24, we’re all about providing a consistent, efficient experience for you and your clients. We know that emailing ad-hoc pension payment requests is inefficient, so we’ve made it a thing of the past.

You can now request withdrawals from pension accounts through AdviserHUB. Whether it be an additional pension payment or lump sum, ad-hoc withdrawals can be requested and validated in real time. Once submitted, you can check its progress by clicking on Withdrawal History within the Transaction > Cash Withdrawals on AdviserHUB. 

Greater flexibility when setting drawdown instructions for your clients

We know how important it is to provide flexibility in the way account drawdowns are processed for your clients. While we already offer innovative drawdown solutions based on fixed percentages, part in proportions and all in proportions, we’re excited to let you know that you can now set sequential drawdowns for your clients.

By selecting ‘In Order’ on the drawdown options screen, you can rank the order in which investments are drawn from, which can be particularly helpful for those of you utilising alternative cash products in low interest rate environments.

Set minimum trade sizes in managed portfolios to reduce transaction frequency and costs

We’ve expanded our minimum trade size functionality to include managed portfolios. You can now set minimum trade sizes (ie. for buys or sells) in your client accounts for any managed portfolio, managed funds and listed securities trades.

Setting these minimums may reduce incremental trading on client accounts which can result in lower transaction costs, and reduce the number of small transactions included in transaction reports used at tax time.

Note: The minimum order amount does not apply to the Automatic Drawdown Facility.

New features added to support online account applications to streamline new accounts

Based on your feedback, we’ve added some new features to our online account application, including the ability to designate a super account as a Death Benefit Pension, and the inclusion of an Electronic Service Address (ESA) for rollovers from a SMSF.

Changes to Morningstar indexes giving you greater visibility over daily performance

As of 21 February 2022, Morningstar has replaced its Multi-sector Indexes with new Target Allocation Indexes.  The relevant performance graphs in AdviserHUB have been updated with the new benchmark details, and now displays daily data points rather than monthly data points, providing you and your clients with greater transparency over performance.

Any archived reports generated prior to 21 February 2022 will still reflect the old benchmarks. However, all new reports generated from 21 February 2022 onwards will reflect the new benchmarks (including all historical data).

We’ve made a few updates to make it easier to use our digital tools for advice fee consent, including:

  • Enhancements to the email requests clients receive, making it easier for your clients to follow key instructions
  • New prompts to guide you through continuing advice fee arrangements
  • Hiding unnecessary fee types, based on the information you’ve already completed

To access our digital consent tools, go to ‘Accounts’ and ‘Consent Management’.  For more information—including demo videos and FAQs, check out the dedicated ‘Fee consent process’ section on SupportHUB.

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