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16th Nov

Head of Retail Platform Distribution
Greg Newman

Head of Retail Platform Distribution Greg Newman holds a Diploma of Financial Planning (RMIT) and has over 30 years’ experience

Greg Newman

Head of Retail Platform Distribution Greg Newman holds a Diploma of Financial Planning (RMIT) and has over 30 years’ experience

Greg Newman

Head of Retail Platform Distribution

Greg Newman holds a Diploma of Financial Planning (RMIT) and has over 30 years’ experience in financial services covering Asset Management, Platforms, Banking and Dealer group management. Greg worked in Asset Management with Colonial First State Fund Managers and BT Asset Management for over 12 years. Greg was a founding executive with Avanteos (now Colonial FirstWrap) and has over 20 years of experience in the platform industry. 

16th Nov

Head of Key Accounts
Paula Day

Head of Key Accounts Paula has over 27 years experience in the Australian financial services industry – particularly primarily in Key Account

Paula Day

Head of Key Accounts Paula has over 27 years experience in the Australian financial services industry – particularly primarily in Key Account

Paula Day

Head of Key Accounts

Paula has over 27 years experience in the Australian financial services industry – particularly primarily in Key Account Management and sales roles across. Prior to joining HUB24 Paula was Head of Strategic Accounts at Colonial First State for 5 years. Paula also held similar roles at both BlackRock and Barclays Global Investors. In her earlier career, Paula also spent a number of years in both retail and institutional Business Development roles with both ING and BNP Paribas. Paula also holds an Economics Degree from Macquarie University and a Diploma of Applied Finance and Investments (FINSIA). 

11th Dec

Head of Strategic Sales
Andrew Fraser

Head of Strategic Sales

Andrew Fraser

Head of Strategic Sales

Andrew Fraser

Head of Strategic Sales

11th Dec

National Manager, Strategic Sales
Angie Shineberg

National Manager, Strategic Sales

Angie Shineberg

National Manager, Strategic Sales

Angie Shineberg

National Manager, Strategic Sales

11th Dec

National Manager, Strategic Sales
Ben Coombs

National Manager, Strategic Sales

Ben Coombs

National Manager, Strategic Sales

Ben Coombs

National Manager, Strategic Sales

11th Dec

National Manager Strategic Sales
Teliy Fidas

National Manager, Strategic Sales

Teliy Fidas

National Manager, Strategic Sales

Teliy Fidas

National Manager, Strategic Sales

3rd Jul

State Manager – NSW/ACT
Paula Farrall
Paula Farrall

28th Feb

Business Development Manager – NSW/ACT
Alex Godoy
Alex Godoy

12th Aug

Business Development Manager – NSW/ACT
Tanya Curtin
Tanya Curtin

4th Feb

Business Development Manager – NSW/ACT
Anne Maguire
Anne Maguire

13th Dec

Business Development Manager – NSW/ACT
Sandra Kiss
Sandra Kiss

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – NSW/ACT
Tammy Kershaw
Tammy Kershaw

17th Aug

Business Development Manager – NSW/ACT
Jack Rooke
Jack Rooke

12th Aug

Training & Relationship Manager – NSW/ACT
Annette Brennan
Annette Brennan

16th Nov

Training & Relationship Manager – NSW/ACT
Kevin Condell
Kevin Condell

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – QLD
Alexandra Scott
Alexandra Scott

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – QLD
Annabel Roberts
Annabel Roberts

16th Nov

State Manager – QLD
Jay Collins
Jay Collins

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – QLD
Stella Beckett
Stella Beckett

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – QLD
Vlad Laevsky
Vlad Laevsky

7th Jun

Training & Relationship Manager – QLD
Chris Sinclair
Chris Sinclair

16th Nov

State Manager – VIC/TAS
Jerome Swindon
Jerome Swindon

4th Feb

Business Development Manager – VIC/TAS
Daniel Proietto
Daniel Proietto

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – VIC/TAS
Nicholas Minton
Nicholas Minton

1st Sep

Business Development Manager – VIC/TAS
Karolina Kuszyk
Karolina Kuszyk

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – VIC/TAS
Sara Charman
Sara Charman

18th Apr

Training & Relationship Manager – VIC/TAS
Chris Phan
Chris Phan

16th May

State Manager – WA
Travis Dudumas
Travis Dudumas

16th Nov

Business Development Manager – WA
Alana Smalpage
Alana Smalpage

16th Nov

State Manager – SA/NT
Nathan Krieg
Nathan Krieg

22nd Jul

Business Development Manager – QLD
Gordon Roebuck
Gordon Roebuck

20th Oct

Business Development Manager – SA/NT
Chelsea Sciancalepore
Chelsea Sciancalepore

27th Aug

Training & Relationship Manager – WA
Leonie McGuire
Leonie McGuire

15th Jul

Training & Relationship Manager – WA
Teigan Chellen
Teigan Chellen

16th Nov

Training & Relationship Manager – SA/NT
Lauren Molloy
Lauren Molloy

Your Specialist Private Broker team
11th Aug

Head of Broker & Private Wealth Distribution
Anne Hamieh
Anne Hamieh

Your Specialist Private Broker team
20th Oct

National BDM
Luke Peterson
Luke Peterson

Your Specialist Private Broker team
17th Aug

National BDM
Michael Donnan
Michael Donnan

Your Specialist Private Broker team
11th Aug

National BDM
Richard Cahill
Richard Cahill

Your Specialist Private Broker team
11th Jan

Training & Relationship Manager
Sean Lockwood
Sean Lockwood
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^HUB24 was rated Best Platform Overall, Best Managed Account Functionality, Best in Online Business Management, Best in Reporting and Best Mobile Platform in the 2023 Investment Trends Platform Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking Report.