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Meet Emma, our People & Culture intern!


Emma joined the People & Culture team for 12 weeks and worked across People Partnering and Talent Acquisition. She is grateful for the experience at HUB24 giving her networking skills. “University is knowledge, but the real-life corporate world is where you put everything you have learnt into practice.”

What inspired you to apply for an internship opportunity at HUB24?

I was inspired to apply to HUB24 as I wanted to see how my studies of human resources could apply internally in an organisation. HUB24 is an already established and continuously growing company whose people seem passionate and ahead of the game in what they do, so I felt that HUB24 would be innovative in work processes.

How would you describe the culture here?

The culture at HUB24 is nothing short of the right balance between fun, hard-working and relaxed all in one. Everyone has been so motivating and supportive in my time here to further my knowledge, and it’s evident that the team really cares about their people and their wellbeing. I also got to work from home, which was great, allowing me to have a flexible schedule!

Did you have an opportunity to work on projects with other teams?

I got to work with two different teams under the HR umbrella but also got to pair up with the other interns, which was exciting. My experience was fun as I really enjoyed being able to talk with different people in the team about what they each do and really get an overall feel of the different departments contributing to their goals.

What skills did you learn during your internship that you can take with you to future opportunities?

I feel that I gained a whole load of both soft and hard skills during my time here. This experience with HUB24 has been the beginning of putting my university knowledge into real-life practice: it has not only equipped me with loads of industry information but also given me networking and people skills, for which I am so thankful.

What advice would you give future candidates exploring internships at HUB24?

I would advise future interns to just be themselves and give everything a go! Don’t be afraid to ask questions or chat to someone in the office who isn’t a part of your team, as everyone is truly welcoming. The soft skills that working with HUB24 enables you to develop are something to take advantage of during your time in your internship and will be transferrable throughout your career ahead.