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Meet Lauren, our Training & Relationship Manager


Lauren is a Training and Relationship Manager at HUB24. She uses her adaptability to embrace challenges in a constantly changing industry. She provides support and training to clients to help them understand the product, find solutions, and have a great experience with our platform.

How long have you been working at HUB24 and what made you want to join?

I joined HUB24 in December 2020. Prior to joining HUB24, I was the Operations Manager of a financial planning and accounting business in Adelaide. I was excited to join HUB24 to take the next step in my career and join a business focused on growth and innovation.

What does your job entail?

As a Training and Relationship Manager I work with our clients, financial advisers and their teams, to upskill them in all aspects of the HUB24 platform. My role is to provide training and support to new and existing HUB24 users to make sure they understand the key features and benefits of HUB24 and are confident using the platform. As part of this process, I create structured training programs that are designed to match the needs of advice businesses and then roll these programs out to advisers and support staff. Training is a key part of our sales process and I work with the Business Development Manager to make sure that training is delivered early and regularly so that new HUB24 users have a great experience using the HUB24 platform.

What’s the best thing about working at HUB24?

HUB24 has an excellent product and brand and I love being a part of a growth business. As part of my role, I get to meet with our clients and hear about things they are doing in their businesses. Having a background in financial planning helps me understand our clients and find solutions to solve problems they may be facing in their business. I really enjoy helping people and developing people through training. Every day is different and interesting and I’m always learning!

What is your ‘superpower’ and how do you use this in everyday life?

My superpower is my ability to adapt and be flexible. Change in our industry is constant and to manage this I like to lead with a positive outlook. I like to try and embrace new technologies, skills and environments. Being flexible and adaptable allows me to manage unexpected challenges in everyday life with focus and positivity.

If there was one piece of career advice you could give someone, what would that be?

My advice would be to find a great mentor (or mentors). Having someone you can talk to and seek guidance and honest feedback from is really important. Learning from a mentor can also help develop skills and confidence.