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Meet Vivien, our Investment Risk Analyst


Vivien talks about her experience as an Investment Risk Analyst and how she is empowered to be bold in her role. She won the HUBhero Innovation Award this year and encourages others to step outside of their comfort zone and embrace changes as growth opportunities.

Tell me about your role at HUB24 ? What do you do?

My journey at HUB24 began in November 2021, as an Investment Risk Analyst. Little did I know that this venture would lead me to an Innovation Award: an incredible honour that celebrates the innovative spirit that thrives in this dynamic organisation.

What has surprised you the most about the working culture at HUB24?

One of the key reasons behind HUB24’s success is its flexible, supportive and collaborative working culture. My managers have always been a constant source of support and guidance throughout my journey at HUB24. They have created an environment where I feel comfortable sharing new ideas, no matter how unconventional they may seem.

I recall an instance when I chatted to my manager: I wanted to use Robotic Process Automation to automate my daily tasks. Without hesitation, my manager simply said, “Go for it”. This trust and encouragement has been invaluable. It’s an example of the kind of leadership that not only fosters creativity but also empowers team members to take bold steps and experiment with innovative approaches to their work, and this has made all the difference

What is your ‘superpower’ and how to you use this in everyday life?

My superpowers are my remarkable memory and strategic planning skills. With my good memory, I can recall vital information, make connections and swiftly analyse data. Planning allows me to charta course forward and anticipate challenges. By combining these superpowers, I can efficiently manage tasks, spot potential risks and devise effective strategies.

If there was one piece of career advice you could give someone, what would that be?

To be bold and embrace change. The world of finance and risk analysis is in a constant state of flux. Those who are willing to step out of their comfort zone, challenge the status quo and embrace change as an opportunity for growth are the ones who truly excel. At HUB24, I’ve learned that innovative thinking and calculated risk-taking can lead to incredible outcomes.