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Meet Armin, our Test Analyst


Armin’s role as a Test Analyst at HUB24 challenges him to be curious, working within his collaborative Quality Assurance team to identify inconsistencies in the product. He identifies the importance of being self-aware, knowing your own capacity to chase dreams with a realistic plan. 

Tell me about your role at HUB24 Group? What do you do?

I work in the Quality Assurance team as a Test Analyst. My work typically involves conducting test runs of the new feature/software in different test scenarios. From there, I try to determine whether the behaviour is consistent with the intended design or may have potential issues requiring further investigation or rectification. 

What has surprised you the most about the working culture at HUB24?

How approachable and collaborative everyone is. Personally, I think we live up to the phrase ‘one team, one dream’ rather well. 

What is your ‘superpower’ and how to you use this in everyday life?

My superpower is a combination of curiosity and sense of awareness to limit and avoid negative experiences like mental exhaustion. I’m happy when my passion is ignited by interesting work and I’ve got strategies in place to avoid information and work overload. 

If there was one piece of career advice you could give someone, what would that be?

Not only in terms of career advice, but in general, I think it pays to be self-aware. As a general observation, when a person knows both what they want and what they can do or offer, they have a clearer understanding of what is required to ‘be where they want to be’. I like to self-reflect on my lived experiences. My advice would be to embrace different opportunities or jobs and find great mentors and encourage open and honest feedback.