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Yingzhi, HUB24 Meet the team

Meet Yingzhi, our Solutions Architect

Yingzhi, HUB24 Meet the team

Yingzhi talks about the innovative culture at HUB24, and how his inquisitive nature has helped him to navigate transitions through the company and into his Solutions Architect role. He encourages readers to participate in this culture, and his advice is “stay hungry, stay foolish”.

Tell me about your role at HUB24 Group? What do you do?

Transitioning from a Software Engineering Team Lead to a Solutions Architect has opened a new avenue for me to contribute to HUB24’s vision. My current role primarily revolves around crafting robust systems architecture that is in sync with HUB24’s objectives. A significant part of my job is to act as a conduit between stakeholders and technical teams, ensuring that our projects progress coherently and are well-poised to cater to our clients’ needs while propelling our organisation’s growth.

This transition has not only broadened my scope but has also provided a platform to conceptualise innovative technological solutions. These solutions aim at bolstering the efficiency and effectiveness of our business operations, which in turn, creates a ripple effect of positive outcomes across different facets of the organisation. The journey from managing focussed team tasks to architecting holistic solutions has been both challenging and rewarding. It has allowed me to leverage my previous experiences, while constantly learning and adapting to meet the evolving demands of our projects and overarching organisational goals.

Every day presents an opportunity to think strategically, ensuring that the technological decisions made today align with the long-term version of HUB24, ultimately creating a seamless, efficient, and forward-thinking operational landscape.

What has surprised you the most about the working culture at HUB24?

The camaraderie and openness to new ideas truly distinguish the culture at HUB24. This culture played a pivotal role in supporting my transition and continuously nurtures innovative thinking. A standout aspect for me has been the open-mindedness exhibited by HUB24 leaders who show a genuine willingness to listen to different options. This receptive attitude cultivates a friendly and conducive environment for innovation and exploration.

The culture here goes beyond just a collaborative workspace: it extends to empowering individuals to voice their opinions, explore new methodologies, and propose novel solutions. It is an environment where divergent thoughts are welcomed, and every opinion is valued, creating a rich bedrock for innovation. This open culture has not only facilitated smooth transitions but also encourages a constant exchange of ideas among teams. It fosters a sense of belonging and inclusivity, which, in turn, propels us to venture out of our comfort zones, explore new horizons, and contribute to HUB24’s growth in unique ways.

The blend of camaraderie and a forward-thinking mindset at HUB24 makes it an exciting place to work and grow, both personally and professionally. It is a culture that doesn’t just respond to change but actively seeks it, making every day a new opportunity to learn, innovate, and contribute to our collective success.

What is your ‘superpower’ and how to you use this in everyday life?

My superpower lies in the simple question: Why? This inquisitive nature drives me to delve deeper into understanding the core of issues, processes, and solutions at HUB24. By constantly questioning the status quo, seeking the reason a thing had been done a certain way, I open avenues for discussions that can lead to innovative solutions or improvements in our existing systems and processes.

This habit of asking “why” does more than just identify potential areas of improvements; it fosters a culture of continuous learning and exploration. It challenges myself and those around me to think critically and explore the rationale behind our actions, which in turn, leads to well-informed decisions and robust solutions.

In my role as a Solutions Architect, this superpower is invaluable. It helps ensure that the solutions we architect are not just technically sound, but are aligned with the broader objectives of HUB24, serving our clients effectively and supporting the continual growth of our organisation.

The culture at HUB24 is a fertile ground for my superpower to thrive. The open-mindedness and the willingness of the leaders and teams to explore the ‘why’ behind what we do, fosters a collaborative and innovative environment. This, in essence, fuels our collective pursuit for excellence, making every project an opportunity to learn, improve, and innovate.

If there was one piece of career advice you could give someone, what would that be?

My piece of career advice resonates with the profound words shared by Steve Jobs in his 2005 Stanford Commencement Address: “Stay hungry, Stay foolish.” This mantra encapsulates the essence of never settling and always seeking to learn, grow, and explore new horizons, no matter where you are in your career.

Staying hungry implies an insatiable curiosity and a relentless pursuit for knowledge and excellence. It is about constantly looking for ways to improve, not just in your professional endeavours but in personal growth as well.

Staying foolish, on the other hand, symbolises the willingness to take risks, to venture into the unknown, and to maintain a beginner’s mind, which is open to possibilities and learning.

This advice has been a guiding light throughout my journey, encouraging me to challenge the status quo, to question the ‘why’ behind what we do, and to continuously strive for better solutions and outcomes at HUB24. It is a mindset that keeps the journey exciting, rewarding, and filled with endless learning opportunities.