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We believe in the value of advice and enabling accessible financial advice to more Australians. We’re playing our part by investing in delivering innovative products and solutions that drive productivity in your business and enhance the value of your advice, all in one place.

HUB24 leads the wealth industry as the best provider of integrated platform, technology and data solutions, and we’re not done yet. Through our market-leading innovation, we’re delivering all the power you need to reduce complexity and, unlock a secure future for your clients to empower better financial futures, together. More power to you.

Discover how Australia’s best platform can drive productivity for your business today.*

Explore Australia’s #1 Platform and #1 Platform Managed Accounts Functionality.* More Power to you.

More power to enhance the value of your advice and unlock a secure future for your clients

More power to access market-leading innovation and dedicate extra time to your clients

More power to reduce complexity and create opportunities for your clients

More power to support your clients on their wealth journey

Introducing HUB24 Discover. A cost-effective solution for clients with less complex investment needs. Designed in conjunction with portfolio managers, Discover provides a streamlined selection of managed portfolios and complements our Core and Choice offer.

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More power to leverage our innovative platform functionality

More power to enhance the value of your advice with our market-leading managed portfolio capabilities to drive productivity and increase efficiency so you can spend more time with your clients.

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Let’s talk about how Our Market-Leading Platform can help you.

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*HUB24 rated Best Platform and Best Platform Managed Accounts Functionality in 2023 Investment Trends Platform Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking Report.