Letter box versus inbox – security does differ
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A powerful analogy often used by The Cyber Collective Australia founder Fraser Jack to demonstrate how much data is sitting in our email is the comparison of a letter box and an inbox.1
Two decades ago, important documents were sent in the mail to our physical address and stayed in our letter box until we collected it. But for more than a decade, most correspondence has been sent to us via email and stored in our inbox, with the aim to reduce paper but also to provide more security when receiving personal or sensitive information.
Emails can include documents such as bank statements, energy bills, with our sent items containing scanned copies of driver’s licences, passports, credit cards, and investment records.
Emails that contain these files are often not deleted after they have been reviewed and actioned, and so inboxes contain all types of information, including personal and sensitive information.
But with advances in cybercrime and our habit of using our inboxes as filing cabinets for personal information and images, our inbox is now less secure than our mailbox.
For this reason, many industries no longer communicate via email, preferring to use client portals that can securely store and transfer client information.
- The Cyber Collective –
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Cyber threats – Current response from financial professionals
Despite financial professional’s concern over cyberthreats, most have not acted fast enough and taken advantage of the appetite for change and the tail winds provided by government websites, cyber campaigns and media coverage.
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