Break the reliance on email – Together, we can make a difference
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Financial professionals, as trusted advisers, can take a leadership position in ensuring data security with their clients.
According to myprosperity Founder Peter McCarthy, the key to getting clients off email is client engagement and providing them with a reason to do it.
“Breaking down functionality into steps such as asking clients to share and sign docs in the portal, is an easier way for them to adopt new capabilities and is likely to be far more successful.“
Clients need to understand why they are being asked to make the change and simply asking them to sign up for a portal and letting them loose, is not enough.
This is why most smaller practices tend to introduce the topic of client portals with their clients at annual review time, where they can introduce the topic and provide some context to clients during that meeting.
However, for a larger business who may want to get all their clients off email at once, an announcement in a newsletter that the practice is now using a portal, and why this is happening and the benefits, can kick off the process.
“Irrespective of whether you are a big or small business, explaining to clients why they are being asked to make the change and the benefits for them is the most important thing you can do,” said McCarthy.
Showcasing the latest media coverage of a cyber incident may make the issue real and relevant to clients and gives the issue immediacy. Providing a call to action such as contacting their adviser or reaching out to a dedicated customer service resource, provides another engagement opportunity for clients before registering for the portal.
myprosperity also produces marketing material to support the activities by businesses their client base to the portal.
If this type of work is not done, McCarthy warns businesses may run the risk of client being confused and creating greater work for the practice.
“If the initial communication is not done correctly, clients will feel unsure and will reach out to the business, requiring even more resources to get the transition back on track.“
McCarthy noted although three years ago cyber security may have required more convincing that it was a key issue, today that is not the case.
Learn more about our all-in-one secure client portal
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The rise of cybercrime
Cybercrime involves activities such as compromising emails and online banking fraud, which according to the Australian Government’s Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), currently make up the top three cybercrime types for business.
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