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Enabling the next generation of advice professionals


At HUB24, we believe in the future of advice and are committed to supporting the next generation of advice professionals.

As part of this commitment, we have recently partnered with Striver, a platform focused on the financial planning profession which supports businesses to attract, engage and retain the best talent to grow into long term contributors to their business.

Since their beginnings in 2013, Striver has helped over 600 students and early career job seekers to land financial services roles while also providing mentoring programs and education modules on a range of financial topics.

A deep-dive into managed portfolios
Managed portfolios continue to be recognised across the industry for their ability to empower advisers to add value for their clients and deliver efficiencies for their businesses. With this in mind, we have worked with Striver to develop an elective course on managed portfolios as part of their Mentor Program for early career participants.

Leveraging HUB24’s comprehensive Managed Portfolio Academy, the elective course is designed to give future advice professionals a fundamental understanding of managed portfolios from the perspective of a financial adviser. It also provides insights into their functionality including tax optimisation, and the benefits for advisers and clients. Join the Striver program.

Continuing education key
With more and more Australians expected to seek financial advice in the future and the transfer of intergenerational wealth already underway, supporting the future of the advice profession is more important than ever. These initiatives are just some of the ways we are empowering advisers to enable better financial futures for more Australians.