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Deepening client relationships through philanthropy

Practice management

More Australians are looking to give with greater impact and are likely to turn to their trusted adviser for guidance. But are financial advisers equipped with the knowledge and tools to start the conversation?

In our webinar, Structured giving and philanthropy – starting the conversation with your clients, we sat down with Susan Chenoweth, Head of Philanthropic Services at Elston, to talk about structured giving and the important role that advisers play.

Clients looking to their trusted adviser

‘Gone are the days of writing a cheque for a charity. These days, clients want to be in the driver’s seat and be more thoughtful about how they can give effectively to the causes that matter most to them. They want to make the biggest impact and often look to their financial adviser for guidance,” says Susan.

So if there is client demand, how can more advisers help clients with philanthropic giving? Susan suggests it’s a matter of having the right knowledge at hand and regular meaningful conversations with clients.

“Having technical knowledge on giving structures and the relevant tax concessions is important, but even more so is having values-led conversations with clients on a regular basis. This really supports further discussion around philanthropy and the options available.”

And the good news is that once an adviser is equipped with the right knowledge to start the conversation, the benefits can be far reaching for both the client and the adviser as well as the broader community.

Deepening client relationships

Supporting a client to give with impact can not only help them with their philanthropic needs but also plays a major role in strengthening the client-adviser relationship.

“What we do know is that clients want to have more meaningful conversations with their adviser about philanthropy and they want to have them earlier in the relationship. It’s through those conversations that an adviser can deepen that relationship and extend it even further to other family members involved in the discussion,” says Susan.

“And that’s good for business – it’s an opportunity to really get to know your clients but it’s also adding value to your service proposition and supporting your clients with what matters most.”

Find out more

Watch our HUBinsights webinar Structured giving and philanthropy – starting the conversation with your clients to hear more about how you can deepen client relationships, engage the next generation of family members, and enhance your service proposition though philanthropy.

Through a range of case studies, the webinar covers navigating client discussions around philanthropy, trigger events, types of giving structures and tax management.

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