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TRM Update: Sarah Charman

Practice management

HUB24’s Training and Relationship Manager for Victoria and Tasmania Sarah Charman joined the business in December, working closely with practices to help them extract maximum value from the platforms and managed accounts. Sarah discusses the mood of advisers and what she delivers.

What is the mood in advice practices currently?

Advisers are very busy with a lot of pressure to be compliant and much remediation activity under way. Some advisers are starting boutique firms and moving away from the banks and these businesses are looking for ways to make their business more scalable. A common trend is to insource their investment research by using Managed Accounts.

What is their focus?

Advisers have a lot of activity on the go but their main focus is on re-evaluating their client book and business to make them scalable.

How are you assisting practices?

I work with practices and advisers to help them manage day-to-day business challenges. HUB24’s leading technology provides a strong platform for adviser to do this.

HUB24 provides initial training and support to help familiarise advisers with the platform whilst identifying key functionalities that may be beneficial to help them manage their clients. Setting up an advice practice with this knowledge and support is key to getting the most value from HUB24’s technology.

Trust and relationships are very important to our clients and the nurturing and support the HUB24 TRM role provides is very much appreciated. There is a lot of assumptions that an adviser who has a couple of accounts knows how best to use the platform, however this is not always the case. Adviser’s practices are constantly changing and change is hard, so the added education and one-on-one support makes all the difference when it comes to choosing the right platform.