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What does responsible investing add to an advice practice?

Investment insights

We recently interviewed Louise Edkins, Joint Director and Financial Adviser at Ethical Investment Advisers, and gathered her perspectives on this important question.

Four ways responsible investing conversations could impact an advice business

  • The conversation is highly personal, focusing on a client’s beliefs and providing an opportunity for financial advisers to connect with their clients on a different level.
  • Clients tend to be clients for a longer time, as they feel the financial adviser understands their personal investment beliefs.
  • Client conversations tend not to be return focused as in most cases, clients are much more interested in the environmental and social impact their investments are making.
  • In volatile times, clients continue to value what is being done, despite performance impact that is usually not just exclusive to responsible investing options.

Interested in learning more?

We created a research report that brings together the perspectives of financial advisers, investment managers and research houses who provided their thoughts on the state of the market, how they approach responsible investing, the challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead.

Download our white paper – “Platforms and responsible investing: A new outlook”