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It’s all in the details when it comes to making a difference for you and your clients

Want to learn more?
Your local HUB24 BDM can help. Complete the form and we’ll give you a call.

While we’re proud to win best managed account functionality for the past 6 years, we know it’s the detail that makes a real difference for you and your clients.1

We innovate with purpose, whether it’s our product offering, account opening capabilities, integration to planning software or managed account transaction tools—We’re ahead of the pack, and we’re not done yet. 

HUB24 ranked #1 in 22 key platform benchmarking sub-categories1

Product offering

Best Managed Funds offering
Best Managed Accounts offering
Best Model template / Tailored portfolios offering
Best Insurance offering

Transaction tools

Best Managed account transaction tools
Best Insurance transaction tools


Best Search and selection
Best Info & education – Non-product
Best Info & selection – Product
Best Design and distribution


Best Business reporting
Best Insurance reporting
Best Advanced analytics / tools
Best Email merge
Best Investor correspondence


Best Integration to planning software
Best API integrations

Online business management

Best Account opening
Best Workflow visibility
Best Segmentation and grouping
Best White labelling

Empowering better financial futures, together.

Great advice combined with market-leading platform functionality can add value for clients. It’s what we call ‘platform alpha’. Our market-leading managed portfolio functionality and innovative platform features designed to drive efficiencies in your business, are just a couple of reasons why advisers rated us number one.2

Learn how our market-leading platform can help you.

Complete the form to connect to your local BDM.

1. Investment Trends Platform Competitive Analysis and Benchmarking Report 2021. HUB24 was rated Best Product Offering in 2021 and Best Managed Accounts Functionality for the past 6 years (2016-2021).
2. HUB24 was rated #1 by advisers for Overall Satisfaction in the Wealth Insights Platform Service Level Report 2021.