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Meet Becky, our Security Operations Analyst


Becky tells us how she started her career at HUB24 as a Service Desk Analyst before moving into her dream role as a Security Operations Analyst in the Cybersecurity Team. Through learning and being curious, Becky’s tip is to constantly ask questions, be innovative and have fun along the way.

How long have you been working at HUB24 and what made you want to join?

I’ve been with HUB24 since August 2021. As a Finance and Cybersecurity uni student, I wanted a role more suited to my career. The people at HUB24 gave me a chance – even with little experience – and took me under their wing. HUB24 continues to be a great fit with incredible team culture and work-life balance.

What does your job entail? What other roles have you had and how did you make the transition?

Security Operations, or SecOps, handles the operational function of Cybersecurity. We help with securing HUB24 Group from adversaries and work with other teams to deliver solutions to further protect our environment. It’s a role that constantly challenges you and provides satisfaction when you are rewarded with positive outcomes.

Before transitioning to SecOps, I was a Service Desk Analyst. I transitioned into the role thanks to the incredible leaders from both the Cybersecurity and Service Delivery teams who were supportive in me wanting to chase my dream career.

What has surprised you most about the working culture at HUB?

The people – it is nice to work somewhere where it feels everyone is collectively working together towards a goal.

What is your superpower and how do you use it in everyday life?

Superspeed. I get tasks done quickly and efficiently. This is beneficial when responding to security requests!

If there was one piece of career advice you could give someone, what would that be?

Do not be afraid of asking questions. Take every new day as an opportunity to learn. New opportunities will always arise from asking and learning, questions can spark innovation!