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Meet Fahmida, our Corporate Actions Intern


Embarking on a Journey of Learning and Collaboration

Meet Fahmida, our Corporate Actions Intern who has enjoyed spending the past 12 weeks at HUB24. She talks about the working culture, how she collaborates with people both remotely and in office, and the winning formula for securing an intern opportunity at HUB24.

What inspired you to apply for an internship opportunity at HUB24?

I am an international student, therefore I find it extremely valuable to partake in as many opportunities as I can while in Australia. I was looking for opportunities which align with my degree and found the Corporate Actions role advertised by HUB24, which seemed right for me and also seemed like a fun way to extend my knowledge.

How would you describe the culture here?

I’d say that HUB24 has created a relaxed yet productive culture in their working environment. I’ve had an opportunity to work with four different teams located across the country and my manager who is based in Melbourne. I found it easy to collaborate as everyone was so supportive. My internship saw me undertake an individual project which allowed me to manage my time flexibly, which is also part of the culture.

Did you have an opportunity to work on projects with other teams?

My role gave me the opportunity to work across four different teams that fell under the corporate actions umbrella, located both inside and outside Sydney. My experience was positive as it was easy to contact my colleagues when needing information or help. It was also great to engage with people from the different teams in the Sydney office, which made me feel more ‘at home’ since everyone was accommodating and friendly.

What skills did you learn during your internship that you can take with you to future opportunities?

I definitely feel that from a personal perspective that this internship has made me a lot more confident in the corporate world and has given me an idea of what to look for in future companies. I felt very at ease and comfortable working at HUB24. This experience with HUB24 has given me some skills applicable to my future career as well – such as using Excel – which I wouldn’t have been able to acquire through uni alone!

What advice would you give future candidates exploring internships at HUB24?

My personal experience has been that HUB24 really does hire for attitude and personal attributes instead of just your hard technical skills. I didn’t necessarily meet all of the criteria for my role, however my can-do attitude scored me the internship! Even if you may not be 100% skilled in everything they are searching for, I’d suggest being ready to ask for help and open to collaborating with others as the team will support you. My last piece of advice would be ‘don’t panic!’ Know that the work you do during your internship will have real-world value and enjoy the experience.