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Meet Natasha: Supporting our interns to apply their skills and learn on the job


Natasha manages the Undergraduate Internship Program at HUB24 Group. Currently managing a team of 17 interns, Natasha believes that HUB24’s commitment to investing in early career professionals and culture of ‘succeeding as one’ has really empowered and encouraged her interns to showcase their skills and contribute to the business.

Tell me about your role at HUB24 Group? What do you do?

I manage a team of 17 talented undergraduate interns, supporting them on their intern journey, organising their learning and development as they get involved in projects to widen their business exposure. Some of these team members have been with us for over two years while undertaking their university degrees. They are studying a range of disciplines, but all have a passion for technology. They build and apply their technology skills while developing their professional profile and network.

Which one of our group values resonates with you the most and why?

I think Enable our clients, Create possibilities, Succeed as one and Deliver with integrity are all key attributes when running a program supporting early careers; however, if I were to pick one, it would be ‘Succeed as one.’ The generosity of the mentors, the support of the leadership team and the welcome given by every member of HUB24 who meets an intern feeds their enthusiasm and generates energy, ideas, and confidence which they bring to the office every day.

What is your ‘superpower’ and how do you use this in everyday life?

I asked my family about this one and although three teenage daughters may question my superpower, they named it “interrogation” skills. Talking to make a connection, working out who people are, and understanding what drives them.

If there was one piece of career advice you could give someone, what would that be?

Diversify and stay curious—no experience is ever wasted, as your interests, life experience, natural abilities, and working life can come together.

How do you differentiate yourself as a Leader?

By its nature, my role requires a different leadership style as the whole team is in one demographic. They are starting their professional careers, so guiding them to make the connection between their study life and the experience of applying them at HUB24 requires strong communication skills and encouragement. The gap in job readiness is a more significant leap for the current students and graduates. Studying through COVID has led them to value the in-person experience, so being present for them in the office and working together in person is hugely important.

How do you empower your team to be the best they can be?

Ensure they understand how proud I am of the way they represent the team and their contribution to HUB24. With this and the welcome from the teams, they are confident in their ability to apply their skills and knowledge, undertake projects, and learn. They are a close team that communicate, collaborate and are respectful of each other. Investing further in graduates and interns, we are working within the business to grow this out to a dedicated Early Careers community, widening their internal network across the business.